Product details
Extinction Coefficient 32 546 M-1 cm-1 at 260nm
Molecular weight (free acid) 1161.73 g/mol
Molecular formula (free acid) C32H43N15O23P4S
Salt Na+
Form 100 mM water solution at pH 6.5


Delivers high IVT yields and capping efficiencies


  • Proprietary Intellectual Property
  • Additional layer of IP protection
  • No hidden license fees
  • Compatible with multiple IVT conditions
  • High transcription efficiency
  • High capping efficiency
  • Cost-effective replacement for the industry standard

Trinucleotide cap analogs with triphosphate chain modifications: synthesis, properties, and evaluation as mRNA capping reagents

Broad promoter compatibility

ExploCap is compatible with plasmid templates containing T7 polymerase φ 6.5 promoter both starting with AGG and GGG

ExploCap is a proprietary ExploRNA cap with properties similar to Cap 1: hEPO in C57BL/6 mice

mRNA: human EPO, non-modified U | Dose: 1 µg | Cap: Cap 1, ExploCap®
LNP: 3 different clinical grade formulations | Route: intravenous